I’m a Blind Woman. Victim Mentality Almost Destroyed My Self-Confidence and My Future.
Despite being apolitical historically, The Salvation Army has begun to promote political and racial ideologies under
Despite being apolitical historically, The Salvation Army has begun to promote political and racial ideologies under
This has been going on for years, to the ” white, male, working class” it is only now hitting into the more ” professional ” classes… Read More…
I was wrongfully terminated from Verizon due to their woke policies & my union ( CWA) has been of no help either in saving my job from the companies… Read more…
Military is woke, and we aren’t allowed to voice any alternative views because leadership is only pushing the one and saying anything else is discrimination.
This company has been enforcing radical diversity training for over 2 decades. The focus has been on hiring and promoting blacks over people with the actual skills needed to do the job. Annual training formats do not encourage any dissent from this obvious bias.
I worked in Nursing for 40 years and over the years you could see the change in all aspects ! People were hired because… Read More…
I had a bad experience with the Diversity police at Boeing. I was surprised how most all global employee communications were about Diversity… Read More…
Though it is never talked about openly, it SEEMS like faculty are being hired for their race… Read More…
Race should never have any effect on who is promoted or hired .this practice needs to be abolished.
Our CEO is proudly gay. Our training materials encourage involvement with BLM. We have Gay Pride posters in our store… Read More…
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