Sign to let UnAmerican Express know that their race-based policies are harmful and divisive.

Tell American Express their divisive race-based policies are un-American and hurting their employees and customers.

Send us tips about what is happening at your institution or company regarding DEI. We want to assure you that any names or responses to this DEI Tip form will remain completely anonymous.

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What you need to know

A sterling example of American capitalism is being ripped apart by woke doctrine. As believers in the American Experiment, we can NOT allow this injustice to stand. Read below to sign our petition and take action steps.

On the 21st of August of 2021, Manhattan Institute fellow and Color Us United Advisory Board member Christopher Rufo penned an op-ed in the New York Post. The piece detailed American Express’s foray into woke doctrine.

Since the death of George Floyd, American Express has been changing their policies to reflect a politically-based woke ideology. And yet, their “anti-racism” program actually perpetuates racism and inequality within their customers and employees. Listed below are a few of AmEx’s egregious policies:

  1. AmEx is tying executive bonuses to racial “equity,” managers are financially incentivized to hire minorities, even if they are less qualified. (Sources)
  2. AmEx instituted critical race theory training, teaching staff that “capitalism is racist” and asking workers to rank themselves on a hierarchy of “privilege.”
  3. AmEx gave preferential contracts to suppliers just because the heads of those companies happen to be Black.

All of these practices are possibly unconstitutional and illegal.

Furthermore, AmEx has invited the great-grandson of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad to deliver a talk to their employees. During his talk, Khali Muhammad derided capitalism as a form of racist domination. He then encouraged AmEx executives to do “reparative” and “redistributive” work to correct their capitalist impulses.

ALL of these policies go against the fundamental principles of America. America is founded on the idea of equal opportunity for ALL people. American Express’s attempt to needlessly divide their employees by race, sexual orientation, and other characteristics are fundamentally UnAmerican. This is why American Express is truly the “UnAmerican Express.”

By signing this petition, we can send a message to Amex that Americans do not want to be divided by race. Moreover we believe in free market principles that have enabled AmEx to succeed. We urge them to rescind their divisive policies. We further urge them to earn the right to use the name America by standing up for capitalism, which has enabled the company to succeed for over 100 years.

Sign to let UnAmerican Express know that their race-based policies are harmful and divisive.

Sign to let UnAmerican Express know that their race-based policies are divisive and UNAMERICAN

UnAmerican express’s embrace of woke policies must end. Sign this petition to tell AMEX CEO Steve Squeri to stop dividing his workforce on lines of race, gender, or sexuality—all of which are meaningless from the standpoint of someone’s ability to help the company!

By signing this petition, you are showing your resistance to Amex’s policies, which will give voice to the many employees and customers silenced by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ideology.

YOUR SIGNATURE WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS UNTIL WE CAN GET 10,000 SIGNATURES. At that point, we may need to produce these signatures to prove to Amex leadership that there is widespread upset over their divisive DEI policies.

Signatures: 9,190
Goal: 10,000
  • Tell us how you are associated with American Express.

Source 1: AMEX tying 15 percent of executive bonuses to a “colleague” metric of “diversity,” which in this case incentivizes managers to fire white employees and hire employees of color and women.

Annual Incentive Award Matrix

Source 2: Further evidence of AMEX’s “colleague” metric for performance bonuses tying “talent retention and diversity” to increasing “minority and women representation at management levels.”

2019 Annual Incentive Awards

Source 3: Highlights of American Express ESG (environmental, social, and governance report) efforts to fund Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ESG Report, Page 1

Source 4: AmEx dividing their employees into intersectional categories.

Building Allyship Document, Page 33

Source 5: AmEx’s commitment to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Environmental, Social, Governance Report, Page 10

Source 6: AmEx has been asking employees to respond to “microaggressions” and to support “Black Lives Matter.”

Building Allyship Document, Page 38

Source 7: AmEx describes their strategies to promote DEI throughout their company.

Environmental, Social, Governance Report, Page 11

Source 8: AmEx lays out what they’re doing to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in their ESG 2020-2021 report.

Environmental, Social, Governance Report, Page 11

Source 9: AmEx detailing their opinion of Asian-Americans as oppressed and their donations to left-wing organizations who share the same belief system.

Environmental, Social, Governance Report, Page 50

Source 10: This screenshot lays out the woke lexicon that AmEx expects its employees to follow. For example, their definitions lay the foundations for dividing people by race such as regarding fellow employees as members of “marginalized groups” and deeming some as “privileged.”

Building Allyship Document, Page 5

Source 11: This screenshot from American Express’s Environmental, Social, and Governance report shows that they prioritize identity over merit, and assumes any attempt to do that is racist. Employees should not be pressured into boilerplate answers for these complex issues.

Building Allyship Document, Page 8

Source 12: This assumes that the Asian woman is inherently oppressed and that is the reason why her idea was shot down. All alternative possibilities (her ideas were poor, she has low seniority in the company, her teammates were tired, she wasn’t as articulate as someone else) are excluded in favor of victimhood.

Building Allyship Document, Page 9

Source 13: This creates a workplace where healthy criticism of someone else’s behavior—which is the key to personal and social growth—is discouraged in favor of political correctness.

Building Allyship Document, Page 9

Source 14: This screenshot wrongly assumes that everyone in American Express accepts the arguments of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This presumption creates a culture in which dissenting employees can be castigated as enemies of progress, and then immediately ridiculed. It also assumes that “allyship,” which treats people of “underrepresented groups” as victims, is accepted among Amex employees as well. All of these assertions are false and simply divide the workplace.

Building Allyship Document, Page 10

Source 15: Session where American Express employees were talked to by the great-grandson of the founder of the Nation of Islam, an anti-semetic group. Khali Muhammad lectured Amex employees about the supposed “systemic evils” of capitalism.

Conversation About Race in America Advertisement

Source 16: AmEx providing woke children’s resources to employees.

ECG Anti-Racism Initiative, Appendix

Source 17: American Express relies on Ibram X. Kendi’s definition of racism, rather than a traditional understanding of it. Kendi believes if someone is not “anti-racist” (i.e accepts a wide range of political beliefs that Kendi and his friends hold) they are racist. For Kendi, there’s no such thing as simply abstaining from racism. This is a false dichotomy which promotes political activism, not workplace cohesion or productivity. It has no place in AmEx’s offices for this reason.

ECG Anti-Racism Initiative, Appendix

Source 18

Building Allyship Document, Page 33

Source 19: This is a strawman argument, which ignores the importance of credit to business transactions. It also falsely assumes, in perfect woke fashion, that any business person who prioritizes credit when dealing with other businesses is racist.

Building Allyship Document, Page 40

Source 20: This document suggests that proof of racism lies in disparities, a myth long-debunked by thinkers like Walter E. Williams and Thomas Sowell. It is also forcing a narrow idea of racism upon American Express employees.

Building Allyship Document, Page 32

Source 21: More AmEx resources dedicated to promoting woke mentalities.

ECG Anti-Racism Initiative, Appendix

Source 22: Shows American Express has been limiting prestigious mentorship programs solely to members of a certain race, disqualifying participation to anybody who has a different racial makeup.

CEN Communication, Email

Source 23: Letter to AMEX Sales Managers asking them to add points to AMEX credit cards for shopping with ESG-certified “B Corporations,” the beginnings of a social credit system.

Corporate Affairs, Email


Please sign up if you agree with our goal of living in a United and Free America. We will speak out — via all forms of media — against those who claim America is fundamentally a racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic or anti-Asian society. We will present the caring America that wants liberty and prosperity FOR ALL.


Please sign up if you agree with our goal of living in a United and Free America. We will speak out — via all forms of media — against those who claim America is fundamentally a racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic or anti-Asian society.  We will present the caring America that wants liberty and prosperity FOR ALL.