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The Mission
Color Us United – Advocating for a Race-Blind America
Color Us United is a home for those who want to live in an America united in our individuality and freedoms. We will support those who fight for a united and free America.
We are the voice of those who oppose dividing America by race, religion, sexual orientation or any other characteristic. We resist those who divide Americans in the name of “racial equity” — in government, schools, corporations, journalism, or social media.
We will promote “We the People of these United States of America.”
According to a poll conducted in December by PRRI and The Atlantic, the country is somewhat or very divided among racial, ethnic and political lines. NPR cites a poll that finds: The overwhelming majority of voters believe the nation is deeply divided over its most important values, and many have doubts about the health of the democracy itself.
We believe it is our leaders who are dividing America. Many like to claim that we are segregated by race, gender and ideology. Yet for the most part, we the people get along as neighbors, co-workers, sports fans, sports players, parents, caring people and much more.
We will remind Americans what we have in common. In fact, Americans have historically enjoyed a go-along get-along mentality. Yes, there have been divisions, but Americans worked together to solve those problems. That is what has enabled our country to prosper for over 250 years. It is why people from all over the world immigrate by the millions to America.
We want to return to the America where we accepted our fellow countrymen, but did not demand they be like us or even like us.
Color Us United will speak out against anyone who wants to foment anger by claiming Americans are divided. We will push back against government and corporation that promote quota type policies.
Together we will promote the policies that allow each of us to live our lives as individuals rather than as part of a fractional group.
of registered voters
describe Americans as being greatly divided
of Americans believe the
country is divided by race
A Pew Research Survey weighted by racial representation reveals only 33 percent viewed race as significantly important in their lives.
of Americans believe being a parent is the most important role they play in society.
There are many perspectives on race in this country that the media choose to ignore. If we truly want to come together as a nation, everyone’s voice must be heard. These are our perspectives.