Thank you For Donating!

Thank you for your Donation!

Thank you so much for donating to Color Us United​. Your donation is tax deductible and will be used to keep promoting the idea of a raceblind America. Every dollar we receive will be used to promote our cause and build our movement. It takes money to reach and empower fellow Americans who believe as we do. So your donation is much needed and will be used only to build our movement of caring Americans who want a raceblind America.

Color Us United​ is dedicated to fighting for a raceblind America. Sadly, the media, CEO’s of major corporations and some politicians want to divide Americans into groups based on race, gender and ethnicity. That is not what our Founding Fathers believed America should be. We have been — and hopefully always will be — the great melting pot of the world.

Yet, there is no national organization dedicated to pushing back when those in power — or from the entertainment world — claim that America is a racist country. There is no organization dedicated and powerful enough to stop policies that favor one race over the other. No organization had the clout to stop race based programs like one proposed by the US Department of Agriculture. That program was to forgive loans of only farmers of color. Fortunately, a judge stopped it.

However, cities are now providing reparations or special aid to people of color. Companies are demanding employees undertake diversity training in which they are told to check their white privilege. Classic children’s books like “Dr. Suess” are being discontinued in the name of racial justice.

Most of us feel — felt — powerless to stop any of these racist policies. However, by signing up you are helping us build a movement of Americans to push back against racially divisive programs and policies. With each person that signs up, our movement has more power to speak out and be heard. As we grow, the media, politicians, CEO’s — even Hollywood stars will learn that tens of millions of Americans believe in equality, meritocracy and a raceblind society.

You are the beginning of this movement. Color Us United​ is ​a brand new organization. I hope you are surprised to learn that there are just 2 of us working at this organization.

Kenny Xu, is President of Color Us United​, Kenny oversees all the logistics of running CUU while also speaking to the media. Christian Watson is our spokesperson, editorial writer and social media contributor. Fortunately, these activities keep both engaged during most of the day. Thus, those activities may delay our responses to you. However, please know we are truly TRULY heartened by your signing up.

We hope you will also share the link to CUU with friends and others who are frustrated by the divisive rhetoric of those promoting race and gender based policies. With your support we will show — the media, politicians at all levels, educators, and even corporate CEOs — that Americans are kind and caring of their fellow citizens– no matter their ethnicity.

Again, thank you with all our hearts for your courage in joining this movement. As you know, the proponents of woke policies want to claim we are the ones filled with hate. Yet, we are the ones who live cooperatively and charitably with our fellow countrymen. (I hope/think you know our using countryMEN is meant to include everyone in America.)

with respect and friendship,
Kenny & Christian

P.S. Color Us United is a 501 C(3) charitable organization which makes contributions tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for the donation you made.

© 2023 Color Us United. All Rights Reserved.