Send us tips about what is happening at your institution or company regarding DEI. We want to assure you that any names or responses to this DEI Tip form will remain completely anonymous.
Send us tips about what is happening at your institution or company regarding DEI. We want to assure you that any names or responses to this DEI Tip form will remain completely anonymous.
What you need to know
The doctor that treats you should be the most qualified doctor available to you, not the doctor that has received the most amount of social justice training. Yet that’s exactly what UNC Medical School is doing: replacing vital medical training courses with social justice courses and diminishing the quality of its doctors in the service of a false social justice agenda.
- These are the topics medical students are required to study:
- Unconscious Bias Awareness
- Understanding and Responding to Microaggressions [how to claim constructive criticism is racist]
- Understanding how to view and treat patients based on their race [how to ignore behaviors that may be causing the patient’s illness]
- Understanding that America’s medical system is structurally racist [how doctors should spend time as social justice warriors rather than treating patients]
Using race to treat a person’s individual, unique biology is just bad medicine.
UNC has integrated race-based medicine into the entirety of its hospital system. Take it straight from the horse’s mouth. Here is UNC’s “Task Force to Integrate Social Justice” document, released in October 2020. This is not some outdated document. UNC released an update to this document reaffirming its priorities as late as March 2022.
Your Voice is Essential to Turn Things Around
To stop the woke invasion of the UNC Medical System, you need to let UNC Dean Wesley Burks know patients will not stand for it. In fact, you should demand that Dean Burks rescind this woke framework and make clear UNC’s sole focus is excellence in health care.
You should also demand full transparency. UNC should be explicit about what standards for admissions have been changed and how. The school should be open about if and how they are making it easier for anyone to achieve a medical degree.
For example, are they allowing those who merely pass a biology course to become a resident? Are doctors no longer even being graded from A to F – so that residency programs can know which students are truly stellar? Do they overlook a lack of knowledge about medical procedures – claiming it’s racist to require such knowledge?
The primary function of any doctor or CEO of doctors is to take care of his patients, not foment political activism. With medical mistakes being the third leading cause of death in the US, can you really afford to leave your health in the hands of less-than-qualified physicians?
Fortunately, we have given you an opportunity to easily make your voice known by signing the petition below.
We have North Carolina legislators on board and willing to speak out for you. All they need is some support from constituents. Remember that UNC is a publicly funded university. If UNC won’t listen to you, they’ll listen to the legislators who fund them. If you are as concerned as we are about the dangers of woke medicine, please sign this Color Us United petition. To get the attention of the UNC Dean and the Trustees, we need at least 10,000 signatures from North Carolina residents.
And you must exercise your right to speak out before it’s too late. The National Association of Scholars writer Marina Ziemnick describes our uncertain medical future best:
“Don’t be caught off guard if your new doctor apologizes for appropriating Arabic numerals or refuses to provide medical care because you don’t support the Build Back Better Act. They did, in fact, attend medical school. They’re just practicing the medicine they’ve been taught.”
Don’t let UNC lower the quality of medical treatment. Sign our petition to compel Dean Burks to denounce this framework now.
All names are confidential.
Signatures: 5,903
Goal: 10,000
I am deeply concerned about the indulgence of wokeness and DEI in the North Carolina medical system. It makes me feel like I am part of a radical social experiment, rather than a patient to be trusted and cared for. As Dean of the Medical School, you have the power to put an end to wokeness in your hospital system. I humbly ask that you do the right thing and revoke the “Task Force to Integrate Social Justice.”
We also urge you to be transparent about the changes in standards to become a medical student. North Carolinians should know if UNC is enabling medical residents to become doctors – even if they do not pass important medical exams and successfully perform in Resident training.
Please sign up if you agree with our goal of living in a United and Free America. We will speak out — via all forms of media — against those who claim America is fundamentally a racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic or anti-Asian society. We will present the caring America that wants liberty and prosperity FOR ALL.
Please sign up if you agree with our goal of living in a United and Free America. We will speak out — via all forms of media — against those who claim America is fundamentally a racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic or anti-Asian society. We will present the caring America that wants liberty and prosperity FOR ALL.